National Museum of Australia   

Some stories may be distressing. Get support.
This website may have names and images of
deceased Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


There’s a power to personal experiences. Sharing stories about Covid-19 and bushfires helps us understand each other and ourselves.

When our world experiences profound changes we look to what people have been through in the past.

Looking back at the Spanish flu and the Black Saturday bushfires can help us make sense of what’s happening now.

At the National Museum of Australia you helped us make and record history.

Story submissions have now closed

Stories contributed by users of this website reflect the views and opinions of individual contributors or third parties and are not the Museum’s views.

Momentous banner images

All photos by the National Museum of Australia except Monday’s work by Dale Appleton, Covid wedding by Samuel White Photography and Covid-19 news posters and apartments during lockdown by Jamie van Leeuwen.