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Team to Solo

The pandemic meant an abrupt end to what kept me active, team sports and so I embarked on a mission to teach my self solo sports to keep fit and healthy during lockdown.

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Going into lockdown in July of 2020 meant that I went from playing sport – team sports – twice and three times a week to having nothing at all.

I sat around the house and I felt lazy and I just wasn’t motivated to keep active. And there wasn’t the element of social and teamwork in that.

So a couple weeks in, I decided it has to change and I have to learn to play individual sports because there might not always be a time where I can play team sports.

So I took up golf. I taught myself, with some advice from my parents.

And so far I’ve kept it up since the lockdown’s ended because it is something that I enjoy now.

And that whilst I’m glad to have my team sports back, I still enjoy this hobby too.

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